Alpine Season Passes
Get ready for an upgraded experience this season
Hill Upgrades
Snowmaking BoosT
More snow where you need it with a $1 Million Dollar Snowmaking investment. New snow guns have been added to:
Pinto & Ponyback
Bullpen & Horsefly Hop
Flying Mare, Ponytail, and Saddleback
Plus, 2 new automated snow fans are now in place at Ponytail and Saddleback.
Lighting Enhancements
We’ve added 18 new light poles and 36 lights to brighten up night skiing on Steeplechase, Bullpen, and Horse Fly Hop.
Beginner Terrain Expansion
The Ponyback beginner area now offers 80,000 sq ft of space for new skiers to learn and progress.
+ receive a Freed Membership included with your season pass
Enjoy year-round perks with your season pass!
15% off lift tickets, snow tubing, and Nordic trails
10% off dining, accommodations, golf, rentals, and retail
Please review our terms and conditions.
Must be age 5 as of December 31st, 2024 for Child Pass. All family members must live at the same address if purchasing the Family 5 Day I 7 Night Pass.
Season Passes are non-refundable and non-transferable. APF is additional.